Getting Involved
Dr. Markant is accepting applications for undergraduate and graduate positions in the lab. If you’re interested in doing some research on human cognition while learning practical skills related to experimental design and data analysis, check out the opportunities below.
Cognitive Science @ UNC Charlotte
The interdisciplinary Cognitive Science program at UNC Charlotte currently offers an undergraduate minor and a graduate certificate. The graduate certificate can be completed either as a stand-alone program or in conjunction with other graduate degrees at UNC Charlotte. Students who are enrolled in the program (whether as a Psychology major or in a different department) are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Markant to explore further research opportunities related to cognitive science.
Undergraduate research opportunities
Undergraduates can get involved with the lab in a number of ways. If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please fill out the undergraduate RA inquiry form.
- Volunteer as a research assistant. Undergraduates may volunteer in the lab to gain experience in conducting behavioral research on human cognition. By joining the lab, undergrad RAs will be trained in the ethical conduct of research, learn about research in cognitive science, and participate in lab activities like weekly meetings and social events. Volunteers are typically expected to commit to a minimum of 5 hours per week in lab time and should have an interest in learning more about cognitive science.
- Complete an Independent Study (Psychology majors only). Psychology undergraduates may complete an Independent Study with Dr. Markant in which they join the lab and execute an independent research project over the course of a semester. In addition to their own project, students are expected to be an active member in the lab and to support other ongoing projects.
- Conduct an Honors project. Undergraduates may also choose to conduct an Honors project with Dr. Markant as the advisor. Honors projects involve student-driven research and include a formal process for proposing and defending a thesis. See the requirements for Psychology Honors.
MA in Psychology program
Students interested in more advanced research training may apply to join the Masters in Psychology program. Our MA program emphasizes individual mentorship with a faculty advisor who helps the student develop and execute a thesis project. MA students working with Dr. Markant will typically follow a course of study in the Cognition focus, but the curriculum can be adapted based on the student’s specific interests and career goals. The MA program is well-suited to students who aim to apply to Ph.D programs or to pursue careers that involve quantitative behavioral research in applied settings. Interested students are encouraged to contact Dr. Markant before submitting an application.
Health Psychology Ph.D. program
Students may apply to join the Health Psychology Ph.D. program. Ph.D. students who apply to join the lab should select the General concentration and identify Dr. Markant as a potential advisor. The General Health Psychology concentration provides interdisciplinary training in basic and applied research on the determinants of health and well-being. Interested students are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Markant before submitting an application to discuss their interests in relation to the HP program and our lab’s research.